Sunday, 1 December 2013

Frosty Fair, Christmas lights, Markets of Glastonbury

Hello my lovelies :) welcome to the land of Frost this week! It was a rude awakening early Monday morning, when I looked out my window, whilst having my breakfast. Looking out onto a clear field next door I realised, no it wasn't snow, but infact a layer of ice on that grass! Thought I best get a riggle on, pic in hand, spray in hand, handbag, gloves, scarf, coat, Brolley, god I need a backpack just to get to the car these days! Get down to the car and I couldn't even open the car door! Not only is there ice on my windscreen, but every window, all over my car as well!


Fortunately Jack only came to visit early Monday, the rest of the week was quite civil :) it was chilly but without the wind chill factor being too high, we managed a good walk :) I think it was Wednesday that I decided to go for a walk, went with Lizzie and Ali from Work, it was nice and fresh, we didn't get wet, but we had sore ears by the time we got back :( Friday Ali and I took off for a walk, but Ali was feeling it more than I was, he had just shaved off his beard lol and only had is mo keeping him warm, he decided it was too cold, so with scarf up around my ears and covering my nose and mouth, gloves on, I felt ok :) we had rather a swift walk back!

I have had quite a good week at work, been able to catch up on things and I have been quite productive :) I think it has been because I haven't had my Line Manager at work and not having to do things for her as well as my own. Got all the Youth Contracts sorted and the staff Expenses checked, so felt quite good on Friday! Can't believe I have been there 7.5 weeks already! I found out from one of my work colleagues that my line manager wanted to make sure I was paid while she was away, she said, we don't want to lose her! ( I felt quite needed!) I must be doing something right :)

Well it's Sat morning now and I have got up early and have done some cleaning as the place was looking a bit messy to say the least. I want to have things looking nice for when Cate and Simon come :) I know that's a few weeks away, but I do a bit each week and am trying to get a few extra things for the flat each pay, as I don't want to cut myself short. Don't exactly have a huge pay packet, but I am very grateful for this job :)

I'm getting ready to go out, Rani and I are heading up to Dobbies, for a car wash and a browse and a spot of lunch, then it's of to Glastonbury for the remainder of the day and evening for the Frosty Fair. Basically Christmas markets.

So here are some happy snaps of the Glastonbury Abbey and the Markets:

We went down the alleyway towards the Abbey and today/tonight there is no charge to get into the grounds so that is a bonus! On the way, we had to stop to have a wee drab

It was infact Scrumpy (local cider) it was meant to be warm mulled wine/cider, very nice :)

Entrance to the Glastonbury Abbey


This Abbey is majestic not only in size but in it's detail, what is left of it! What you will see over the next few pics, will give you some idea of the scale of what it must have been like in the 1100's - 1500's.



I am just a mere spec standing against the ruins!

I was quite emotional standing in front of King Arthur's tomb site and his Queen, wow the history in place, leaves me feeling, what a baby Australia is, I know we have a few Heritage buildings, but so many things get demolished and pulled down, such a shame.

Even though the Arches are only what a left of this part of a chapel, the architecture is so amazing!

Holly Berries

First person to guess what this reminds them of?


Near the Pond

I am in love with the Autumn colours :)

Look at the colour of this tree, notice the sky as well. We have had a great day today, no rain and low winds but it was quite crisp out, but if you go out prepared and cover up well, you can indeed enjoy some beautiful sites as you can see by some of these pics. I know I probably go a bit crazy with the camera! Actually some of these were actually taken on my phone as my battery died on the camera :( yes I know, not well organised but it's hard to tell sometimes when the battery is going to die and yes Derek if your reading this, I still haven't bought the spare!


A model of the Glastonbury Abbey, how it looked originally :)

Now we move on to the Frosty Fair, at the very top we found a vintage car display, this is for the car buffs but particularly for my son Rob :) hope you enjoy them. Rani and I got into a spot of trouble though as you will see!
This guy on the Penny Farthing was amazing, he jumped on without a hitch and headed off down the street :)


Rani and I were getting a good look in the back seat of the police car and the next minute......

We were swiftly handcuffed for handling Police property!

Caught in the Act! This policeman wanted to take me home! I don't think his wife would have been too impressed, nor would have I been for that matter lol

Omg I really am going with him, technical hitch, can't get them undone now!

More cars Rob :)



I'm not quite as old as this one haha!
Cute red Mini :)

Christmas lights light up at the bottom of the Market place

An amazing window display - a unicorn sitting on a mushroom

The whole window, check out the smaller animals, even had a small red dragon that was moving :)

These little Characters were all moving as well, I couldn't take a video, as my battery had died, so I was on my phone for these shots.

Well my beautiful ones, now that I have exhausted you with dozens of photos, it's probably time for me to post this. Today is time for domestic bliss, shopping etc, washing, unfortunately I still have to do that! I have a longer drying time, not like at home when things would dry as soon as you put them out sometimes. I have to hang all my washing over heaters etc here.
The countdown has begun, I have just noticed, it's now 1st December! 24 days till Christmas! I must say that the spirit of Christmas seems to be around me everywhere here. I am looking forward to visiting Bath this week, maybe one night after work as it's dear at 4.30ish now so will go into Bath and look at all the Christmas lights and Christmas markets and drink mulled wine to stay warm,and go watch the ice skaters in Victoria Square.
Big hugs to you all, lots of love until next blog xxxxxx


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