Halloween to Guy Fawkes, Carnival to Christmas Winter Wonderland ...
It's all starting, quite a time of celebrating in one way or another. I have to say, from being a person who hasn't really been a great lover of anything Halloween, maybe it has just been the commercialization of it all. Seeing lots and lots of kids all walking the streets, knocking on doors and asking for treats, being a bit picky about what you have to offer, as sometimes one doesn't always have all the goodies on hand. I have to say it was a real eye opener for me Thursday evening, walking the streets in Bath, I saw "families" taking their kids out, they were all dressed up, some quite impressive in their artwork and creativity in face paint etc, not so much on the fancy fancy clothes, they were quite underrated, so they really looked like they were celebrating the dead! I still think they need to perform for their treat lol apparently in time gone by, they were meant to perform a song, or resite a poem or act out a little play before thy were given a treat. I can't see that happening these days, can you?
This night coincided with a night out after work, saying goodbye to one of my work colleagues who finished up on Thursday and Karla is a young woman about my Son's age, so I felt quite chuffed that I was in with the young crowd, as only a selected few were invited! As you will see by some of the following pics, we had a nice drink or two firstly at the Star in Bath and then onto the Bell, so Cate and Simon, I am looking for the "in" places to be, for a drink over Christmas, when we go in to the Wonderland or Christmas festivities. We walked the streets, as I said before, I couldn't take any pics of any of the kids or families, as it was raining when we were heading to the Star, on our way, we stopped at a street food vendor making the most amazing roast pork, apple sauce and brown sauce burgers, when lunch seemed like it was a mere memory! After our bellies were full and we had taken shelter long enough for the rain to subside, we all wandered further along the streets, till we found The Star Pub :) a very cute little English pub. Going inside, instant thought was, god, have to shed the clothes! It was lik an oven in there, they had a fire going in the little room we went into, so off goes the coat, the gloves, the scarf, we all ordered drinks and what better that to share conversation with like minded friends :)
Karla celebrating over a Bailey's
Emma and Karla
My fellow Aussie offsides at work Alex (on Left) who is a Melbournite with Chaya :) Both work in the Bath office.
Moi, Emma and Karla - the young and the beautiful :)
After a great night, aware of a mid week outing, around 10ish Karla and I decided it would be best to head home, she had a date the next day and I had a very busy work day, I already was past my bedtime, these nights I seem to have to go to bed much earlier. It being dark at 5.15pm might have something to do with it too, you feel ready for bed by 9pm. I had a lot to do Friday, I have heaps of work to complete and a new starter, whom I have to do the Induction for, set her up with her laptop, phone, make sure she has got access to all programs etc, thank heavens for Juan in IT :)
Finally made it through my Friday at work, Induction training and sending out 167 pamphlets to young people, kept three of us busy for the last hour or so of the day. It felt so good to get home and put my feet up, I deserved a well earned rest this Friday night. :) think I was asleep by 8.00pm, that was whilst trying to watch the movie, can't even remember what it was about now!
Saturday morning woke up early, had a wild storm through the night again, I actually had to get up in the middle of the night, could hear beeping, thought I was dreaming it to start with, until it was about to drive me insane and then finally realised it was my oven clock, which had gone off in the storm and needed to be reset, normally it just flashes, but obviously it flashes for hours until it has had enough of that and then decides to annoy me and then beeps continually until you have to get up and fix the new time!
Finally got up, sitting having my morning cuppa, looking out my loungeroom window to what looks like quite a mild day outside. I know just because I feel warm inside my flat, that it's likely to be quite fresh and crisp outdoors. As I sit writing my weekly shopping list, I am thinking of my neighbour Rani and wondering how she is, as I haven't seen her all week, was in the process of sending her a message when she messages me and said "want to go to Wells today?" Which was exactly what I had typed to her, but not sent... Talk about In sync!
It was raining as soon as we got to Well, for the markets, so we both had to duck in an out under cover to stay dry. I took my library books back, we then ventured down to the markets, mmmmmmm such wonderful smells of all types of lovely hot foods, lots of fresh herbs and we stopped at the beer tent, just to stay dry, suppose I aught to try one or two while I'm here lol we have a bit more of a look, but start ducking in out stalls till we reach the end of the stalls alongside the Council offices. There is a magnificent Italian Restaurant, so we decide to go in and kill two birds with the one stone, so to speak. Inside the door, mmm yummy aroma, smell garlic cooking and all sorts of lovely herbs and spices. Time to offload wet coats, scarf, wipe glasses so I can actually see the menu. Didn't take much perusing, time to share our favourite homemade classic pizza and a Latta and we were much warmer and dryer and the rain had even stopped in time for us to have a wander around the remainder of the markets and then do some retail therapy in the dress shops, Rani has this favourite dress shop, that, we HAVE to frequent :) I must say the clothes are much more hip here, much more modern, but the prices in here, phew!
The start of Wells markets
Wells Cathedral in the background. It was so lovely when we came out from lunch, the church bells in the tower were ringing all through the markets, there is a special feeling to be walking through the main streets of Wells, listening to the church bells, smelling all the divine aromas and listening to all the conversations, doing a bit of people watching, all adds to an interesting morning. We did length of the Main Street, with a trip in to Boots and then into Johnson's for drycleaning, checking out boots in all the shoe shops along the way. With winter coming, all the more reason now to look for a decent pair of boots, but I think they will be Ankle ones, I need new ones for work.
This the main well in the centre of Wells, where all the fresh water drains off down each side of the road, looking a bit strange in this pic, as a wood carving stall has taken over the entrance to the Markets.
Headed to Shepton for our weekly shop, then it was homeward bound, probably just in time, wasn't long before it was pitch black and the heavens opened up, bringing thunder, hail and almost a night watching the bedclothes lol couldn't be bothered cooking, so got something light, and then watched telly for a while, whilst listening to the storm through the windows. In the background could hear the fireworks going off in Shepton, I suddenly felt a little sorry for all the people who had braved the weather to go down to the Shepton Oval in their Wellies and Raincoats and umbrella's, all to see the fireworks! I am waiting for Tuesday night, where I will join in the Guy Fawkes Celebrations, for the first time since my baby brother was born, some 49 years ago, so I'm hoping to celebrate his birthday with a Big Bang! The last time we had a Bon fire was the night he was born and Dad was burning everything that was rubbish in the driveway of our Kellerberrin home, I do remember that we were around sparklers, I remember the hot fire, not the best thing for the middle of summer in the wheat belt! So I'm pretty excited to set off some fireworks. We got all organised yesterday when we went for our weekly shop, they were selling them in Tesco's but under lock and key and you had to purchase them on leaving the building, not going into the building, I guess they didn't want anyone blowing up Tesco's!
Sunday morning, I have made Minestrone soup and I have made chicken curry with kale and lots of other veggies. It is cooking day, that way it gives me lunches for the week :) saves some money as well.
Just had a video call on FaceTime with some of the family back home :) was so nice to see them. I couldn't hear them all properly, but it was so nice to hear .them all talking over each other, laughing and joking with each other, made me miss them heaps, but at the same time, I do know that they are only a phone call or a video call away and I can see them. It was a celebration for Shirley my older sister, who turned 65 and younger brother Steve turning 49 I think? Haha only 1 more year and it's all downhill from there! Only joking, I actually think your life starts at 50 xxxx
On a final note, all excited about having Cate and Simon here for Christmas :) and now Rob says that he might be coming in March next year :) that would be awesome :)
Well my lovelies, it's time to relax for the evening, before starting a new week, I'm hoping I can plan a trip away in three weeks time for my birthday, will keep you posted xxxxxx love to you all xxxxxx
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