Sunday, 10 November 2013

Ring a Ring o' Roses ..... I'm right in it!

Hello there my beautiful family and friends xxxx what a long week it has been! Work has been eventful and keeping me busy and I have to say that I was very glad to have a couple of days off :) not nearly enough time, as is usually the case when one works full time, but I am grateful for a job, even more grateful to have a weekend off.

Well it is definately getting chilly, the days this week have been very crisp to say the least! I do have a problem though, the radiator at work is broken and is locked on high or full and I am sitting right next to it, so I have to wear summer gear under my coat, gloves and scarf, strip off when I get inside, so I can cope with the heat lol. If I go outside, I then have to rug up like an Eskimo to go to the post office or my lunchtime walk. All the young ones shiver away and hog their little heaters and I sit there with a sleeveless top on lol oh well!

I have been fighting with the central heating this week, trying to get a happy medium, the controls for my heating at home are not the easiest and I am so worried my energy bill will be through the roof! I just had my 3 month bill and it was £125 that was without the central heating, so not looking forward to the next three month one :( I am going to invest in a beenie or one of those thick head bands hehe I will really look the part then lol I was walking along the street the other day, thinking, that's what I need! My nose was freezing off and my eyes and ears were cold, every other part of me was warmish as it was rugged up in either coat, gloves or scarf. I stuck the scarf over my nose, ah not such a great idea for people who wear glasses, suddenly I couldn't see a thing, I was totally fogged up on my glasses lol. I had to laugh this week, one of my friends on f/book shared a pic of a toilet seat covered in clean white socks to wam the bum when you have to go in the wee small hours hehe I was just thinking this week, that's what I need and it reminded me of when my son Rob went to Japan when he was in year 7 he came home and told me , Mum they have heated toilet seats! I tell you what Rob, they would be a bloody good idea here during winter :) nothing worse than a warm bot on a cold toilet seat in the small wee hours of da morn! Lol

Cate if you are reading this before you leave, you might want to borrow my big red coat, that I left at home, I didn't have room for it in my luggage and you might need to borrow it when you are over here for Christmas :)

This weekend was spent exploring the shops at Shepton Mallet and my neighbour and I found this amazing little deli, come speciality shop that has everything gluten free which I seem to be heading that way these days mostly (I'm not intolorent of gluten as such, but my gut is not tolerating Wheat that well :( and having lots of issues with bloating) too much info I know! But this little place was like heaven :) we also discovered that they had a little coffee shop in there as well, I don't know how many times I have been past there and not seen it! The shop was full of all speciality meats, even vegetarian, organic, options, it had it all and the aromas, well, don't get me started on that! We shared some cheese scones that were made with brown spelt flour and that were super delicious, almost as good as my prize winning cheese scones from Pinjarra High School Cookery Class lol had a great coffee, cream on the side. It was a good price, it wasn't the ritz, we're talking plastic table cloth's but it was very enjoyable. After our little rest and treat, we wandered all up and down the street, checking out all the store, seeing what was available and then we headed back to the car.

Next journey was to our favourite jaunt (Wells) on a sat morning, well it was after lunch by now. The streets were busy, it's started to get a bit crazy around the place, I suppose people are out doing Christmas shopping already. All the shops have their windows all pretty with the pretend snow in the windows and it is starting to look a bit like a winter is coming, it's quite strange being here for Christmas, I know Rob and I were over to see Helen around Christmas, but we went to Switzerland, didn't get much of the vibe of Christmas.

All of the little villages around here are having a special "Christmas Carnival" and it moves from one village to another, so next Friday night, I will be leaving work straight away and heading for wheels, hopefully to get there for 6pm, it will be pitch black by then and all the roads will be closed off in and out of the City of Wells, so we want to get to Wells and to the Pub, so we have a nice warm spot to sit and watch the carnival go through around 7.30pm.

Bath has Christmas wonderland on very soon, but it's not going to be on when Cate and Simon get here, so am scouting around to see what is happening. I have actually having the week off as my work are not working the whole week, so I might even do something for the remainder of the week, will see how the weather is :) it will be my only opportunity to do something for a few days until End of March/April when my contract finishes. I am hoping I am able to get a few pounds put aside so I can have a bit of a look see around then, would love to go up to Scotland :)

After a full day out shopping, it was wonderful to get home, rush the shopping in, in the rain, yes, we didn't time that too well! I was exhausted after that full day. I was keen to get my new acquisition working :) I bought a double blow up bed, I know it's not a fancy big mattress, but it's apparently quite comfortable I have been told by a neighbour! So if you don't mind sleeping on the blow up bed or the couch, you can come visit now :) I also bought a pump, so NO I do not have to fill it all up with my hot air! Each week I allow myself to purchase one thing to my budget shop, figure that way I won't blow it too much!

I looked out the window Sunday morning and it was so clear, sunny, not a cloud anywhere to be seen! I actually was quite amazed at the jet streams I saw, I will post them here, looks like a game of noughts and crosses is about to be played lol

Look at that sky, am I really England in November?

I treated myself to a bunch of flowers this week, to place on my dining table :)

Now getting to my special Travel day on this lovely Sunday, I decided that it was just too beautiful outside to stay home and cook! So off I went, warm boots check, scarf check, coat check, Brolley and gloves check! It was actually crisp, but I actually find that quite invigorating. I set the Gps to Frome (pronounced Frume), it is apparently a very old village, Medieval in fact, I did actually go off track a bit, went to this place called Holcombe, found this amazing old church and grounds, it was so peaceful and all the autumn colours just made the trip so worth it. I found a lovely woman cleaning up the church grounds and she told me some history of the church and about when the Black Plague wiped out the whole village practically, and it's where the nursery rhyme Ring a Ring o Roses comes from See below:


Its place name is derived from the Old English Hol, meaning deep or hollow andcumb meaning valley.[2]

The parish of Holcombe was part of the Kilmersdon Hundred,[3]

The original medieval village was buried at the time of the plague and the old parish church, which survives, is surrounded by the mounds that bear testimony to this burial. It is suggested that the rhyme 'Ring a Ring o' Roses' began there as a result. An alternative explanation relates to the drowning of five children from the village in an icy pond in 1899.[4]

The village has two pubs: The Duke of Cumberland, which can be found at the bottom of the village's hill and the Holcombe Inn, which recently changed its name from The Ring O' Roses to its original 1960s name.[5] It was named the Ring O' Roses as a reminder of the plague that previously destroyed the village.

Holcombe has four churches, two of which are in use.


What a gorgeous day :)

This church was very peaceful, in light of what happened here during the Black Plague.



Superb colours of Autumn


Main Street of Frome

Cobblestoned streets of Frome

Gentle Street, Frome
Very interesting Tree sculpture

Caught these too lasses taking five outside, I don't think they were too keen to get back to it!

What is it? Lol what a great shot, if I don't say so myself!

The Thatched Cottage, driving home from Frome, near Kilmersdon.some healthy sheep :)


Some healthy sheep.

I think this was a private residence, but it appealed to me :)

Ohhhh I forgot to tell you, I saw the hill that Jack and Jill fell down lol and I was near where little Jack Horner lived! I told you I was in all the Nursery Rhymes. Next time I have a little more time, I'm going to explore their houses and the castles around :) going to a place called Nunney and Mells.

Last of the pics, it's now 4.30pm. Sun has almost disappeared :( but I have had a wonderful day, I have now got time to sit and relax a bit tonight, so from me until next post, love to you all xxxxxxxx


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