After taking out the rubbish, I'm downstairs, so reach for the vacuum cleaner in the cupboard downstairs and vac all the entry (got what a mess!) think I need a nice big mat, something that will hide all the dirt that I bring in from outsides. Most houses over here have a in built mat inside, so you brush your feet outside and then get inside, brush them again and then when you get inside my place, I only have a tiny mat, so you have to juggle on one foot whilst you take your shoes off, so as not to leave crap on the "light apricot" carpet. Vac all up the stairs, all the hallway and then the spare room and the loungeroom, time for another rest!
Omg it's actually snowing! White fluffy stuff floating down and it's not ice/hail like earlier. It's not much and it's actually melting almost as it hits the roof and the ground, but it's so lovely to watch :) so I sit by the window and just watch it float down and dance and land on the roof below.
The Hail/ice settling on the roof below my window.
Today whilst I am busy doing the cleaning for the rental inspection, I'm also getting into some cooking for my week ahead :) I am right into my new cook book, my new healthy regime Paleo Cooking, which simply means Caveman diet, but it's not really a diet, it's just a healthy way of eating and I'm loving it, been on it now about three weeks and already I'm feeling lots of positive changes to my body! Yayyyyyy Just good old fruit and veg and meat and I'm leaving the grains alone as they seem to be causing me lots of grief :( anyway the outcome so far, this week my blood sugars have halved! So I know I'm on track.So I must show you today's culinary effort's :) I must say the soup doesn't look great, but tasted delish!
Broccoli and Parsnip Soup
Lemon Chicken Paleo style :)
So now you can see what will be for my lunches for the next few days. Something else I have been having, is amazing smoothies for breakfast, the greener the better! I figure the better they are for me, at least. I'm experimenting, so lots of veggies and a piece of fruit, some almond milk or Cocunut milk, yummmm. I can see you screwing your nose up from here! Lol Honestly, they are nice.
This is a bit like a cooking blog this week! But what else can you do when the weather is miserable outside :) this is what I made for Brunch on sat, although I made too much, so I had some left over for today. Spinach and mushroom omelette.Ok, changing the topic, I will not bore you with my cooking any longer! I have been offered two months work after March. :) I received an email last week from my boss confirming this and she said I should hear something soon from the BANES Council, so it looks like I will be there to help with the transition over to the council in April. That is of course after I have my holiday.
Speaking of the holiday, some good news and some bad! The good news is that I will be extending my stay in Paris for a few days and the bad news is due to the lack of funds, I have had to postpone Venice as I will not have the money to get there at this time :( With my car being sick this week and having to put it in for servicing tomorrow and my water bill coming unexpectedly, there goes £200 at least, which I had saved, so it's back to the drawing board. I still have 8 weeks, so I'm hopeful of saving enough for a few days in Paris at least :) Venice might have to wait a little while.
Well it is my bed time already and where has the weekend gone? After a busy day cleaning and cooking and yesterday wondering around Wells, doing a spot of window shopping, I feel like I haven't had a weekend off at all! Just listening to the weather on the telly, looks like I will have to get out the ice pick tomorrow! As well as get up at the crack o Dawn to get "Lizzie" as my car is affectionately known now, to start! The last week, at least three or four attempt to start every time I start it! Oh well hopefully after tomorrow it will start first go :)
Have a wonderful week everyone and I want to send lots of love to my friend Jan who is awaiting a very big operation hopefully today, will be sending you lots of positive thought for it to all go ahead as planned and love you heaps xxx Until next blog people xxxxx take good care and love to you all xxx
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