Sunday, 23 February 2014

Pancakes for Brunch :)

Well hello my lovelies xxx a busy busy week and I don't know where the weekend has gone? I don't know if I'm the only one who feels that sometimes, but honestly, no sooner do I put my feet up on a Friday night to watch a bit of Lewis or one of my favourite "who done it" show's, I soon realise I have missed half the show as I have had a little Nanna nap and before I know it, I'm back on the couch watching Call of The Midwife and Coast on a Sunday night thinking, work tomorrow, ahhhhhh need a rest! (What the hell have I done all weekend?)

As some of my younger work buddies point out, I'm not getting any younger! Thank you for that :( I may have little Nanna naps, but I still do my walking regime every day at lunch time. Lizzie at work is such an inspiration to me at the moment. The Bath Half Marathon is on in two weeks and she has been training for that and running every night or most nights :) Most days we walk together, which is great for me and also good for her, but she probably feels like she is going at snail's pace, having to walk and not run! Not to mention listening to me gasping as we climb up to 600ft, it's quite a climb, I might tell you! I sometimes need the puffer, but not always. I must be improving :)

This weekend was time spent on maintenance of sorts haha Saturday morning I had an appointment at the Bath hospital, I had a previous appointment cancelled at my dr's. I had to go have a test for Retinopathy, where they put special drops into your eyes and then wait until your pupils dilate and then they have an xray type digital machine that takes photo's of your retina, It is part of the diabetic check they do over here, I will get the results in 5 weeks, here's hoping all is fine and I have no damage :) only one problem after having it, can't really focus or see for a couple hours after, up to six hours! I'm not waiting that long before I can drive :( I have things to do today.

Thank you Lizzie for taking me to the hospital and bringing me home, we had to take a divert home, due to a land slip or some road damage from the flooding. Looks like it's a beautiful day today though, the sun is shining, very few clouds in the sky, a nice day for driving in the car, pitty I can't see properly at the moment!

In a couple of hours, I'm going to see my neighbour, she has just started her new Reiki sessions close by so will go and see how things are going. I am so thrilled that she is finally getting to do what she loves best again. I have certainly learnt over the years, if you enjoy what you're doing as a job, it makes it all worth while. I so enjoyed my previous job in the Funeral Industry but I think it has done me the world of good, just to be working as a Business Support Coordinator or what is another name for Administrator I guess, as I haven't had to be involved so closely with grieving families and I think it has given me the break I have needed. I think as long as there are people around me I am happy.

I still have this dream of having a B&B one day, maybe I will write to a few over here or up in Scotland, they might be looking for just a person like myself :) I remember when I was travelling in USA for my dear friend's Deb and John's wedding in 2000 (gee Deb, can't believe it's gone by so quickly!) I stayed in little hotels and B&B's especially in Canada on my way to Deb's and that is what sold me on the idea of having my own one day. I know it would be work and someone would have to cook breakfasts everyday etc, but it actually like cooking as some of you may know, I don't often get the opportunity being on my own :( Anyway whilst I was staying in B&B in Toronto, I thoroughly enjoyed the breakfast table, getting to talk to people from all over the world. I found that so fascinating and the stories more so! One story That sticks in my mind so clearly was about the owners stach of wine in the cellar lol he use to have wine pumped into vats through a pipe in the wall, it was the very first time that I had the experience of drinking red wine! It had no tannins or preservatives in it, so I didn't get a migraine instantly. Every night, the owner would bring a flagon up from the cellar for us to have with our meal :) As I was allowed to stay for many a meal at night, I offered to help during the day or for breakfast a few times, before I left for the day to go sightseeing. Another great story I remember was from a German lady, she use to come to Toronto for a holiday while her husband would go up "north" shack fishing, you may have seen those tv documentaries on the fishing huts out on the lakes that had iced over during the winter. They would then cut a hole in the ice to fish. She was so funny describing her hubby preferring to go up there and spend a month on the ice in a shack with the fish, than spend a civil holiday with his wife! Even with all the language barriers, somehow you still manage to be understood.

Now that I have digressed a little, it's time for some pampering, I'm off to Wells to get the hair done, which will be well and truly over due. A good thing that I'm getting it done today, as next week I have several important meetings with the Banes council, will be meeting some new people that I will be working with, when I transfer over to the council after 31st March. It will extend my job until the end of May now, so that is more positive and who knows it may develop into more work along the track.

I am putting out to the universe that I require more income to cover the monthly expenses and to allow me to be able to "save" for holidays. As many of you know, I have had to can the Venice leg of my holiday, which was to be in April. It now has been postponed until May and also until I have funds for a three night/day stay in Paris :) I am really looking forward to going, I'm determined to save somehow! I have already cut off the central heating, after the near heart attack, when I received my last bill :( I have been told by several people at work, that my bill seemed "normal" for this time of year, but £258 for a quarter for elect and gas doesn't sound normal for me! It is so hard to compare, as at home, we don't ever need central heating. I think for the remainder of the winter, I will resemble an Eskimo inside my flat!

This weekend I once again did the bargain shop at Lidl, also bargains from the health shop and Tesco's. Most weekends when the weather turns cold and wet, I tend to stay home, save money and organise my weekly cook up.

My healthy Sunday Brunch - Paleo Pancakes with Berries :)

Not long after a late brunch I cranked up the kitchen again and pulled out all the veggies, now what can I make? It's cold and wet, so I think it will be some nice soup.

Cauliflower and Leek Soup with Coriander and Pumpin Seeds

In the slow cooker for tomorrow is a fish curry, you will have to wait for pics

This week has been tough for me to keep my mind off thinking about my Dad ;( as you probably know, he's been in hospital this last week and has been home a week, but it's not all finished, he still has further tests.

Some lovely flowers that remind me of home, my Mum ( I know you loved the roses Mum :)

Please send Dad lots of healing, I know he misses you, he needs lots of good thoughts and vibes this week, when he has further tests, we want them to all be clear and ask that everything goes well if surgery is needed. Xxxxxx

Well my beautiful people, I'm starting to get tired, it's late and I have work in the morning, so it's time to say bye for now and to say until next blog xxxxx


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