I remember several conversations with Helen whilst she was over here, where she didn't know what was going to be her next meal sometimes and I have to say, it gets a bit like that for myself at the beginning of each month, but I won't let it defeat me! I came over here for adventure and damn it, I will get some in, somehow :) if nothing else, you get to read my blog each week, this will give me enough courage to write my book one day!
When I was having a bit of a meltdown the other day, feeling a bit low, I started reminiscing of years gone by and when I was a kid. As kids we never really thought that Mum and Dad were rich, but we did alright. They had five kids to feed and I never really appreciated what my Mum went through to put a good meal on the table for us as a family. I remember turning my nose up at several things my mum would be preparing in the kitchen, that would look disgusting to me, but Mum being Mum, was able to turn her hand at anything and make even a sad belly flap, a beautiful pot roast with stuffing. We would always have plenty of potatoes and veggies. I don't remember a lot of veggies grown in the garden, because the ground was clay and Dad couldn't even get the shovel into it sometimes! We always had dessert, all beit rice pudding or rolly Polly or choc frogs eyes as we kids use to call it (tapioca). Not one of us were obese growing up either, funny that! It was later on in puberty and teenage years where all the goodies came in from outside the home that we had, some weight problems, I'm sure. We had fruit trees down the bottom of the block, near the shed, we always had eggs because we had chickens, Mum would always give one of us the job of feeding the chickens. I was always scared of going down to the chicken shed, as Dad had wood in there and once we found a snake skin in there, that was enough for my younger sister and I, we were off!
Getting back to Mum in the kitchen, she saved everything! I suppose she had to, with five kids! If there is one thing I have learnt from Mum, it's the art of making a good soup :) Mum would clean out the fridge making her soups lol I don't mean she would ever put anything in it that would harm any of us, but she had left over gravy, stock, old veggies, she never wasted a thing! If there was left over rice in the fridge, that would go in or macaroni, but it was mostly veg and the roast left over from Sunday, the meat would be cut up small and the bones would be put in the broth to flavour the soup.
Thank you Mum for making me take a few tips from you in regards to not wasting food! Since I have been doing the Paleo food regime, this also brought me back to the basics of "how it used to be" quite simple really, nothing processed, good food, meat and veg and for me now, I avoid the grains and lactose because of issues in the gut, but it doesn't mean that I "don't ever have them", I Simply make the choice 80% of the time and I have to say! my health has never been better! my weight is dropping of me! my diabetes is practically "normal" I am still trying to reduce my blood pressure and a few other issues, but all in all, this old girl, is getting younger and younger, each day!
All this talk of making soup and the like, got me thinking of what we buy each week for "our groceries" and what an absolute waste, in general we "can" have of our food, if we don't "plan" our meals and I guess this has been a necessity for me, as I have to look what I have left in the fridge, freezer and cupboard and conjour up recipes for the week in my mind of what I can cook ahead and freeze and just pull out when I get home when I'm tired from work. I know what I would prefer! A spunky guy in nothing more than an apron in my kitchen, cooking up a storm haha. Ahhh my mind wanders :) oh well, I can dream, it seems like that was such a thing of the past, but it's time it was in my NOW I reckon! I read a great saying the other day on F/B, I know, there are so many, but this one I think I will have to say each night and morning :) "May all of my life come to me with Ease, Joy and Bliss!" I really love this :) So I now open the door to love and am ready to receive :) I haven't actually voiced that in a very long time, so I think that is progress for me!
This weekend has been as you can tell by the food story a non event on the travel :( due to funds. But I have had a nice relaxing weekend no less. I needed it. Rani gave me a nice Indian Head Massage on Friday night, which was extremely nice, although I had the remains of a headache which just wouldn't budge, massage helped, but Rani would have been doing it all night, so I ended up having a nice long bath afterwards, relaxing all the muscles and had some nice cool gel on my head and neck. I read somewhere, it's good to have it very cold on your head and neck and then hot around your feet for circulation. Well that seemed to help, I then went to bed and read some of my book, "Call The Midwife" I would have to be the slowest reader on the planet, but what I read when I read, I thoroughly enjoy :) so that is all that matters.
Sunday morning cook off in my kitchen, I made my favourite :)
Banana and Brazil Nut Bread
This doesn't look as nice as it actually tasted :) the tricky part now is to ration myself over the next week!
Apart from the obvious chores one has to do on the weekend, washing which has to be done and then look for a nice sunny spot in my kitchen to place my smalls! The only drawback of not having anywhere to hang your washing outside. Although today, it was lovely outside, so I snuck outside and put up my clothes hoist near my front door, in the hope that none of my neighbours would see :( we aren't suppose to hang washing anywhere outside.
After 4pm I shared some Banana bread with Rani and a cuppa and we checked out some Palmistry sites, trying desperately to read the many tracks on our hands, ending up, in fits of laughter, making up stories as we went along, we felt like we had a good life line, what does that site, know anyway? Haha
Time to take a few pics of my front garden, it is looking so pretty at the moment :)
Don't know what this flower is, but is right outside my door.
This blue flower is pretty too.
Near the steps down to my front door.
I thought this fern was dead a few weeks ago, doesn't look like it now!
From my loungeroom window
This is a bit dark, but it is 8pm after all!
Well it's Sunday night folk's and I have had a nice relaxing weekend, I will have a very busy week looking for work, I have emailed my work email, a dozen or so jobs, that I plan to send off tomorrow. I am going to do my very best to apply for as many jobs as I can that I feel are worthy of my expertise and time for the money :) I'm working for £10/hour > , just putting that out there! right now!
All my love to you all until next week's blog xxx Good luck Jan with your op on the 5th, I will be thinking of you and sending you lots of love xxxx Lita and Barbara, you must be off soon, really looking forward to seeing you when you get here :) xxxx
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