Saturday, 10 August 2013

Working 9 till 5 ....

Well hello family and friends back home xxxx most of you may have already got the message this week through some channel or another, Yesssssss I have had some work, finally at last!

Most of the change in my circumstances came about by a couple of things changing in my life.

1.. I decided I needed to get more exercise and just get out there and meet people and ask and talk to as many people as I could and in passing tell them I'm looking for work and ask if they need anyone, I'm there woman :) and in me getting out and about this week, I have been finding that I really really love wandering off down lanes and through trees and high hedges and listening to the birds and where I am it's pretty Rural, and yes say no more! Sometimes I smell a little too much poo or whatever it is!! That is a great incentive to walk that little bit faster, let me tell you! I walked about 2.5 mile last Saturday.

One thing I miss here, is decent footpath's! They don't know what they are here I'm convinced! So when you walk on the main road, note to self, wear trackie dacks with white stripes down the pants, oh and carry white phone case in hand closest to road, wear white or bright coloured top, DO NOT walk on same side as moving cars and wear long sleeves in case you have to throw yourself into Nettlebush to get off the road in a hurry! (Oh one more thing, make sure you know what a doc leaf IS before you get stung by nettles as it's the only thing that will take the sting away in a hurry! Anyway with that said, I do I fact still enjoy walking around the village, it is so peaceful. I did take a few pics, so here they are :)

Just down one of village lanes

This was a cute place :)

A typical cottage garden around the back of someone's little cottage, I was walking down the skinny lane below!

I might point out that yes there is room in the lanes for bodies to walk, but only very slim cars or trucks want to venture down them!

Watch out for those Nettles!

2. With me eating better, limited food to eat, making better choices! I have really been enjoying cooking for myself, which I haven't in a very long long time:(

See mum I am looking after myself!

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed cooking so much. I loved cooking for the kids when we lived in Leeming, but money was tight, so we were limited then to choices , kids being kids, are pretty fussy, but they loved a good tuna mornay which I could always spread out with pasta or a spag bog which i think might have been their favourite! i did a lot of cooking when i was married and we loved to have people over, so i always did fancy stuff then, but now its just simple and healthy and very tasty and just for me. I look forward to the kids visiting so i can spoil them a bit and cook for them again, as i have or a didn't post last weekend as I was not really in a position to go travelling all over the auction! Limited funds and trying to use them sparingly. Even my usual trip to Tesco's was left off, thought I will have to eat what is in the fridge and cupboard week this week!

I did though have a bit of a turn Round in my whole thinking though, so Saturday I went for a huge longe walk and on the 1st August I also pledged to myself that not only would I start to look after my body, but also I would nuture my mind and soul. So in making this pledge I have joined in this website to honour Master Choa K Sui who's the founder of Pranic healing, who has since passed away, but in honour of his birthday which is August 15, I have been doing a daily meditation, which I must say has made a huge difference to my mental and spiritual part of my life. Not only did I feel that I was giving something to the world as I medidated, I actually found a lot of peace again, it's been such a long time since I have been able to still my mind to be in that place. Just from doing this ritual for a week or more now, suddenly everything started to happen! I also had my cousin do some healing work on me which I'm very grateful xxx

Then come Last Monday, I thought right, leapt out of bed and swung into action, headed into Bath and I was determined to visit at least 3 Recruitment Agencies. wow what a day I had though, wore myself out, just trying to find them! I don't know if any of you have been to Bath? Is a beautiful city, but the layout seems to be in semi circles or weird patterns, very confusing, but I realised that I had GPS on my phone hahaha so in the end used it, as I didn't have a map and after walking around a block of office units three times, I wasn't doing it a fourth time! The first agency, yea they couldn't really care less about me, could see I had my CV with me etc, but didn't invite me to leave it or anything, gave me a card, said I would have to post it in, then they would decide if they wanted to call me in for an interview :(. (But I was there already) they could have spared me a few minutes and said yes or no then you would have thought?). Left there a bit despondent, but thought no! Stop it, you are going to find an agency who will love you, keep going! so off I trott,but before that, I had to stop for some light refreshment and a bit of light entertainment one would say, or eye candy, whatever you will Girls, I just had to be there and have my lunch at THIS Italian cafe alright! Mumma Mia! I' sure the temp was 10 degrees hotter in that restaurant/cafe than outside :). When I finally had spent all my visual time perving at the waiter than one girl could possibly get away with, I thought I better get up and pay, without tripping over the step as I got up, as I could now feel other eyes on me, yes the chef, had poked his nose out to see who he had made the meal for :). It was quite late you see and I was the only woman in the restaurant :)

Moving on, I start walking down the street, happy little vegemite, got my thrills, smile on the dial :) all happy and content, only one prob, not really noticing, the rain was starting to come down, I was obviously still in the cafe :). A quick reach for the brolley in my bag and I was underway. I walked a few blocks and then I found Juice Recruitement, what an absolute pleasure to meet these two young girls that came to meet me at the door. I can't help but wonder how they came up with that name, but that's for another day, no they don't sell fruit juice!

Hannah took me into the conference room at Juice and had a great discussion with me, wanted to know my whole story, all this was way before she even looked at my CV. Then she took that and went off to get it copied, comes back, with forms for me to sign up :) yay!! I must have been there a good hour, anyway she said if I hadn't called her by Friday, to give her a call.

Well next morning "Tues" I woke up really early didn't I, i got up at 6.30am had a cuppa tea, but felt soooo tired, so i thought i'll just lie down for a bit ( you know the fatal move!) but went back to sleep, It was about 9.00 or 9.30ish when my phone rang, it was Samantha from Juice Recruitment, could I go into Bath to a Architech's office NOW! As the temp that was due to go in was sick! of course I said oh yes not a problem and had to sound like I was not asleep! But she did know that it would ate me an hour before I got there. So that's been my intro into work yayyyy!

I have been working since Tues to Friday, It was only meant to be a day, but the company didn't want the other temp to go back to them on the next day, they wanted me, so they asked me to stay the entire week :). I had a phone call from Samantha from the Agency and she had glowing reports from both PA's at the Architect's. Am truly grateful :)

During my week working at Bath, I got to have a lunch hour, so I was right near the Canal, so I would go and sit and watch the long canal boats go past and the ducks etc. so here are some pics :)

So pretty down here :)



Omg a selfie! Was trying to get the scenery in the background!


House or office on the canals, this was at the back of the building where I was working.


Where I worked :)

Well that's the end of another week for me, tomorrow is Sunday, might relax a bit as Monday I'm off to Bath to visit another agency, as they rang me to go for an interview :) they wanted me there Friday but I said I couldn't as I had bee given some work :). So that might bring in some more work hopefully.

Busy day Monday, emergency dental required late arvo, can't eat, bad tooth ache, Dentist filled the wrong tooth, I had two that were to be filled, she left the bad one and now it's very bad :( Quick give me the gas! I'm off to take drugs now and get some sleep. See you all next post. Love you lots xxxx

Ps Pam a very Happy 60th birthday for this coming week!! Wish I Were there to spend it with you :)


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